Little Englanders, wets and Atlanticists
More diagnosis of the modern Conservative party. Adrian Wooldridge writes about Little Englanders, wets and Atlanticists in this piece on anti-American Tories.
THE GUDGEON of Belfast, N. Ireland, blogs from time to time on music, film, politics, etc. This blog has been retired. Now posting at Nozin' Around.
While living in Prague I formed the habit of spending the afternoons at the Goethe Institute on the right bank of the Vltava; there, in a palatial nineteenth-century building, I could browse through the entire range of German and Austrian literature and there too, one day, I came across Bernhard’s last novel, aptly entitled Extinction (Auslöschung). From the first elephantine yet nimble sentences I was spellbound. Not long after I began to read Bernhard’s autobiography, arguably his masterpiece, and from the first sentence I knew that I had come across a “kindred spirit.”